Who are you right now? Who do you want to become? What fills you with meaning and purpose? Defining yourself and your desires isn’t easy. We all have so many choices in life. Which is the right one? What if I could do it different? This tarot spread will give you a leg up in answering these tough questions without over analyzing anything.
This tarot spread answers the following questions:
- Who am I at this moment?
- Who do I want to become?
- What fills me with meaning and passion?
- What role do I currently play in my life?
- What fear is preventing me from progressing?
- Advice
Who am I at this moment? “Who am I” is a question that sticks to the surface of my brain and won’t let go. It analyzes every action I take and turns every decision into a philosophical argument. What key elements of your life make you yourself?
I like to think that we are made up of core memories ( yes, like the Pixar movie Inside Out); that the sum of our core memories makes up our personalities and who we are. What do you think? Tell me in the comments.
Who do I want to become? When I ask myself who I want to become I break out in a cold sweat. This question haunts me. I don’t know who I want to become; when I think about it my stomach starts to turn. I feel like I’m running out of time to answer a question that I keep drawing a blank on.
I think the problem is that there are too many choices. If I could be anything in the world, what would I be? Now, let’s shrink that down to my top 5 and pick from there; that’s much more manageable.
What gives my life meaning and passion? When I think about meaning and passion, I think of things like careers and hobbies. Things we fill our lives with to give it meaning. I consider myself lucky that I have a hobby that I am passionate about. I can’t imagine not reading and blogging about tarot!
Tell me about your hobbies and projects that fill your life with meaning and passion in the comments below.
What role do I play in my life? When you ask yourself this question, consider if you currently play a passive or active role in your life. Do you go get the things you want and work towards them or does life just happen to you leaving you a victim of circumstance? Are you happy with your role?
Consider if your role were reversed. How would your life be different?
What fear is preventing me from progressing? Now, I mentioned earlier that thinking about who I want to become gives me the cold sweats. This could be a major obstacle for me just waiting to hold me back. Afterall, a life where who I strive to become is never outlined gives me nothing to aspire to.
There is no personal growth; only stagnation. That, in my opinion, is no way to live.
Advice. The advice question in my spreads typically share the same meaning. A place to either A) get general advice on proceeding into the future or B) an opportunity to get clarification/get specific.
Clarification on a question is asking an additional question so the answer you received becomes more clear. When you get specific you can elaborate on a question to get further information about it. For example, in question 4 (What role do I play in my life) I can ask the cards to tell me how my life would be different if I took the opposite role. Advice is your playground; go play!
In addition to just doing a daily tarot card draw, be sure to record your progress from your readings in your Tarot journal!
While it gives you a place to put your own custom card meanings a tarot journal can also show you how much you grow as a tarot reader over time.
Learn more about Keeping A Tarot Journal. You’ll be glad you did!
Try another FREE tarot spread from the SelfTarot Tarot Spread Archive!
Such as:
- Don’t Escape Reality; Ground to the Here and Now
- 46 & 2 Ahead of Me: A Tool Inspired Tarot Spread
- Vibe High and Add Positivity Into Your Life
- 5 Questions To Better Protect Your Mental Health
- Getting To Know Your Tarot Cards Better [Tarot Spread]
Read Tarot Like Boss in 5 Easy Steps! Plus, get our pro tips you won’t find anywhere else!
It’s hard work doing all this soul searching and self-improvement on your own. So, let tarot be your guide. First, tarot will hold your hand and hold nothing back. Then, get ready for one hell of a journey!
What are you waiting for? Now is your opportunity to take the road less traveled.
Take the journey to discover your truest self. Become the highest, best version of you that you can be!
Check out the The SelfTarot Self-Discovery Workshop today!