So, you want to give a more detailed tarot reading. Maybe you have received a very detailed tarot reading then took a look at you own and the comparison was disappointing so, you want your tarot readings to be…more.
Already when you give a reading you deliver one word or short phrase answers from your intuition for each question, which is fine, but sometimes you feel you come up short. It feels like the reading isn’t as long or as detailed as it should be.
So, how do you give a more detailed tarot reading when your intuition has given you all it has, and you don’t want to ask 100 questions and end up with 100 cards? Simple. Ask supporting detail questions using the same card. By doing so you will essentially be asking the same card multiple questions thus using less cards and getting more details.
Each tarot card is multifaceted in its meaning. Not one card has a single set meaning. Also, no tarot reader reads a reading the same way. This is because each card is left up to interpretation of intuitive messages and experience from each tarot reader.
By asking the same card multiple questions you are triggering your intuition again and again and it will respond in return to a different facet of meaning for each aspect of the tarot card.
With one question your intuition may focus on the character in the forefront, the next it may be the lack of an element in the card, a third time maybe astrological aspects of the card.
Each time your intuition triggers it can potentially latch to an aspect of the card that needs to be brought to your attention in order to receive the message it is sending you.
Before I move on to address giving a more detailed tarot reading by answering multiple questions with a single card, I will start by reviewing how to first answer one question with a single card.
First have your question that you wish to answer written in your tarot journal. Next set your intention with a short prayer to your higher self, higher power, or guides asking to assist you in your reading and to only send you information that is for your highest good. Now ask your question three times while you shuffle your tarot cards.
Cut the cards if you wish and draw a card. Write down everything that pops into your mind in regard to the card. Follow your train of thought until you have everything you can think of written down.
A lot of times the answer to our question is a word or two or even a sentence at most. To give a more detailed tarot reading you’ll want to generate more information.
To give a more detailed tarot reading simply ask more questions making sure to keep them as closely related to the original as you can. You will apply the same steps as above except this time around, using the same card, you will first write down a new question in your tarot journal and ask this card the question. Focus on the card as you ask your question and repeat the process of writing down every intuitive hit that pops into your mind along with any details or trains of thought that follow.
Repeat this process until you have as much detail as you can get out of the card or that meets your needs.
Giving a detailed tarot reading takes skill and practice. The more you use your intuition the more detail you will receive and the faster you will receive it. The only way to achieve this is to practice.
Practicing will help you achieve comfort and confidence in reading the tarot. You will soon be able to write paragraphs of detail for your readings! Learning to give more detailed tarot readings and using less cards is an invaluable skill that is an asset to all tarot readers.
Be sure to take account of your progress in your Tarot journal!
Not only will it provide you with your own personalized card meanings, but you will also see how much you grow as a Tarot Reader over time.
Learn more about Keeping A Tarot Journal. You’ll be glad you did!
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Let’s face it, its hard work doing all this soul searching and self-improvement on your own!
Let tarot be your guide.
Tarot will take your hand, hold nothing back, and lead you on one hell of a journey. Now is your opportunity to take the road less traveled: A journey to discover your truest self – the highest, best version of you that you can be!
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