Life is a series of journeys: some long, some short, some taking a life time, and some taking many. It is the journey that sanctifies us not simply reaching our destination. A journey doesn’t always have to take place on the physical level, but many times spiritual and emotional instead. A soul’s quintessential journey is…
Category: Tarot Spreads
Ask Yourself These 5 Things To Get Your Life Back On Track Now![TAROT SPREAD]
The Hanged Man’s World is topsy-turvy, but that doesn’t mean yours has to be. Use this spread to look at where you’ve veered off path.
Are You Satisfied With Life? [TAROT SPREAD]
Ever feel like something is missing from your life? Use this spread to meditate on finding the missing pieces.
4 Ways To Reflect On Happiness [TAROT SPREAD]
A spread that helps you reflect on what happiness really means to you no matter how big, or small, that might be.
Stop Projecting and Let Go Of The Past In These 4 Easy Steps [TAROT SPREAD]
Sometimes past hurt lingers. Identify and address the underlying issue with this tarot spread so you can finally move on.